A lot of people want to know is it normal to not hear from your lawyer? However, it is a normal duty of a lawyer to make sure their client hears about their case status. So, if you are not hearing anything from the lawyer, there are some steps that you should take.
It is normal for you to hear from your lawyer. Lawyers are required to communicate and speak with their clients regarding their case, the status of their case, developments in their case, and make sure their client’s hear from them. If a lawyer fails to communicate with their client, it may be a sign of negligence or malpractice by the lawyer.
Take it very seriously if your lawyer is not communicating with you and you do not hear from the lawyer. It can be even more important if your case is later in the stage of a lawsuit or you have a deposition or trial coming up.
It is the job of a lawyer to communicate well, negotiate for clients, update clients and keep them informed, and more. So if your lawyer is failing to provide you with the level of customer service and attention that you want, it might be time to make a change of lawyer request.
It Is Not Normal To Not Hear From Your Lawyer?
Speak With Our Law Firm. For Free 24/7.
You can always speak with our law firm, if you do not hear from your attorney. In most cases, it is fairly easy and normal to change your lawyer if you are unhappy with your lawyer or otherwise unsatisfied by their service.
We have been there for many people who wanted to change lawyers because their lawyer was failing to provide the level of customer service they needed. After all, the lawyer is making a living off of representing individuals like you, and if the lawyer is not doing a good job, you should probably leave.
However, it is important to make sure that your case make sense for another lawyer to take on before switching lawyers. Our law firm can speak to you, provide you with a free consultation and free legal evaluation of your case to see if it makes sense for our law firm to substitute out your attorney.
We want you to know that we are here for you. We are on your side. Call now for a free consultation (800) 400-5050.