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What Are Your Options When You Win A Lemon Law Case

What Are Your Options When You Win A Lemon Law Case

What are your options when you win a lemon law case? It is very important to know what are your options when you win a lemon law case. That is why I, lemon law attorney Jimmy Hanaie, am writing this article for you today.

Generally, what are your options when you win a lemon law case include a lemon law buyback, cash and keep settlement, or other negotiation result with the automobile manufacturer. You generally have the option of returning your vehicle to the manufacturer or continuing with your contract and get paid some compensation.

Sometimes, if they deny or reject your lemon law case, you may also be able to get additional civil penalty compensation that can increase your overall settlement. It is important to know that you have an option of potentially filing a lawsuit against the manufacturer even if they denied your claim.

When You Win A Lemon Law Case

Most people who win a lemon law case get a large financial settlement as a result. However, the level of compensation you get may depend on how much you paid for your car, how bad your problems were, how the manufacturer treated you, and more.

Lemon law cases come up for many different options and reasons such as sluggish transmission, clunk sounds and noises, braking issues, idling issues, mechanical problems, electric problems, and more. We can give you a free second opinion and review all of your vehicle documents for you for free.

Free Second Opinion

Get a free second opinion regarding your lemon law matter with our law firm today.

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