Collection of car accident PTSD quotes are here for you. Photo meme sayings written about car accident PTSD quotes for you and your friends. Provided by attorney Jimmy Hanaie, we hope you enjoy them and they are what you are looking for. Deep feeling messages about healing past emotional mental and physical traumatic events.
“My car accident PTSD battles me. Sometimes I can’t sleep. I try to let it go but my mind goes too deep.”
“The PTSD reminds me of my pain, reminds of the accident, reminds me of my weakness. But I know that I am strong.”
“I have it even when I stay strong & power on.”
“A lot of people think it is fake. But my car accident is causing me so much stress.”
“Everyone has stress. But, some people have actual PTSD. I feel it after my car accident.”
“Is not something I thought I would ever deal with. But, the stress is stuck in my mind.”