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Car Accident Poems Quotes

Collection of the best car accident poems quotes are here for you! Photo meme sayings of car accident poems quotes for you and your friends. Provided by attorney Jimmy Hanaie, we hope you enjoy them and the poetry included. We are thankful you are here and hope you are safe.


“It happened fast, it went from future to the past. But the pain I have still lasts, When I do my daily tasks, And every time someone asks, I say “I’m okay” but its a mask. I am grateful for what I have, but the pain remains and lasts.”


“It was out of control. I feel the pain it has left a hole. I’m grateful I survived but I’m still not whole. I will get through this I will accomplish my goals.”


“My car crash was a shock. My life got rocked. Dreams of that street block haunt me when I talk, but I’m grateful that I survived and walk.”


“A collision is more than a car accident, it also has the power of bringing two people together.”


“Plenty of poetry is written about love, but not about car accidents. Now is that by accident?”


“Thank you to everyone who prayed, Was it by accident or was it by fate?”

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